Monday, February 25, 2008


By: shinysleekhair

Hair is an important part of your appearance. Many of us have perfect shiny, bouncy hair but just because we do not take good care of them we now encounter suggestions from every person we meet. Your hair needs Vitamin E for shine and you can get this much needed vitamin by incorporating brown rice, nuts, wheat germ and leafy green vegetables into your diet. Different hair textures need different ingredients to make it shiny.

Healthy, shiny hair enhances the beauty of a person.

Rinse your hair with cold water to enhance the shine of your locks. Rinsing with cold water will close & smoothen the cuticle making it look more shiny.

Two ways to close and smoothen the cuticle after shampoo
a. 1 gallon of distilled water add 1tbls of vinegar.
b. Apply acidic conditioners after rinse.

The color will add little shade to the hair shaft that would make your hair shine when light falls on it.

The simplest way to have shiny hair - deep conditions them. Vitamin E is essential for your hair. Include brown rice, nuts, wheat germ and leafy green vegetables in your diet. In a bowl mash avocado, one tbls of olive oil and a tsp of baking powder. Mix well and apply it on your hair. Rinse it after 15 minutes. Vitamin E for shine and you can get this much needed vitamin by incorporating brown rice, nuts, wheat germ and leafy green vegetables into your diet. For blonde hair use a few tablespoons of lemon juice to your rinse water. This will make your hair shiny. After shampooing, pour the mixture through your hair, but do not rinse. Dry as normal.

Sleek & Shiny Hair Tips:
1. Use heat-activated shampoos
2. Deep condition at least weekly
3. Don't use a lot of styling products as they can dull the hair by coating it. (hairsprays are the worst)4. Use Strawberry hair mask: mash eight strawberries with one-tablespoon mayonnaise.
5. For blonde hair use a few tablespoons of lemon juice to your rinse water.
6. Don't use too many styling products that can dull the hair by coating it.
7. Vitamin E is essential for your hair.

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How To Get Back Your Natural Color

An Interview With Negin Zand; Zand is a colorist at the Sally Hersh-berger at John Frieda Salon in Los Angeles. Her clients include Kate Hudson and Sarah Jessica Parker. Source: Allure Magazine

A lot of my clients want to go back to the color they were born with. Not only does that require less maintenance than highlights; it also improves the condition of your hair. Here's what to consider before any appointment:

Picture it. After years of coloring your hair, it's easy to forget what you looked like with your natural color. Examine your face with your hair pulled back so only the roots show. Or take a picture of yourself wearing a wig. But don't experiment with temporary coloring shampoos, since many leave a permanent stain, and the result tends to look dull and lifeless.

Switch gradually. Going back to your true, natural shade doesn't mean letting your roots grow out (that could take many months). Instead, I prefer to blend in lowlights until the overall color matches your roots, at which point you can stop dyeing altogether. Depending on the length and thickness of your hair, this could take two or three appointments, spaced four to six weeks apart. But keep in mind that not everyone should return to their original shade exactly—it may not flatter your skin tone. If that's the case, ask your colorist to suggest alternatives, such as a warmer version of your natural shade.

Glisten up. When your hair is mostly one color, it often seems flat. To create some shine, blow-dry it on a low setting (high heat strips away moisture) and apply a gloss-enhancing spray afterward. If you have fine hair, you'll lose some body when you stop highlighting, so find a good volumizing shampoo and styling spray.

Make adjustments. As you settle into your color, consider other changes. For example, you might want to add layers where you once had highlights. And if you decide to dye your hair again, make sure it's in good condition. Otherwise, you'll wind up with breakage—which isn't beautiful in any shade.

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When you meet people, what do they see? Your face, your skin, that's what. Your skin condition can say a lot about your health and your lifestyle. Did you know that your skin is the largest organ of your body? An adult human skin weighs around 5kg (11lbs) and has a surface area of 2 sq. metres (22 sq. feet), which is approximately the size of a double bed. Even with your clothes on that's a lot of target for damage from the outside - injury, sunlight, cigarette smoke, environmental pollution. So your skin can be damaged by what it is exposed to, and at the same time, it reflects internal emotions (e.g. when you sweat or blush) and conditions (especially the health of your digestive system). The condition of your skin is very closely dependant on what you eat.

Nutrition and Your Skin
Nutrition is fundamentally involved at every stage of your skin's development. Collagen makes up 70% of your skin and depends on vitamin C. Dry, rough skin (caused by the build up the protein keratin on the outer layers) can be prevented by Vitamin A. The membranes of skin cells are made from essential fats. Dry skin can be caused by a lack of these fats. The flexibility of your skin is reduced as you get older mainly because of oxidation damage caused by free radicals - from pollution, cigarette smoke, fried and burnt foods, sunlight. This damage can be limited by nutrients such as vitamins A, C, E and selenium. Lack of zinc can lead to stretch marks and slow wound healing, and is associated with a wide variety of skin problems from acne to eczema.

Foods that Keep You Young and Beautiful
Foods that can enhance your appearance need to feature as many of the following as possible: antioxidants, antibacterials, fibre to clear toxins, essential fats to support skin and reduced levels of saturated fat and sugar.

The kinds of foods where you'll get this kind of combination are: fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains, fish, pulses, nuts and seeds.

So, to improve your skin, include the following in your diet:
Apricots, cantaloupe melon, carrots, eggs, liver, pumpkin, red peppers, watercress - contain Vitamin A and beta carotene. Blackcurrants, broccoli, citrus fruits, kiwi fruit, papaya, peppers, potatoes, tomatoes, sweet potatoes and sprouted seeds - contain Vitamin C. Almonds, avocado, eggs, hazelnuts, olive oil, Sunflower seeds, walnuts - contain Vitamin E. Brazil nuts, cabbage, chicken, eggs, liver, molasses, mushrooms, onions, seafood, tuna - contain Selenium. Almonds, chicken, cauliflower, carrots, cucumber, eggs, oats, potatoes, sardines, tuna - contain Zinc.

And try to reduce your intake of these:
Alcohol Coffee/tea (no more than 2 cups per day) Sugar Saturated fat (found in meat and dairy products).

And think about these other factors:
- Avoid strong direct sunlight and use a sun block (sunlight causes oxidative damage and speeds the aging process of your skin).
- Wash your skin with a gentle oil-based cleanser, not regular soap, and consider what is in your skin products such as your moisturizer (many cosmetics contains strong petroleum/alcohol based substances - remember these are absorbed through the skin).
- Take regular exercise breaks (it stimulates blood flow, which will enhance delivery of oxygen and nutrients to your skin cells).
- Drink plenty of water (6-8 glasses per day (1- 1 litres) to hydrate the skin. Too little water can be a MAJOR factor in dry skin.

Consider taking some nutritional supplements:
a good quality multivitamin and mineral supplement; vitamin C; an antioxidant blend (containing at least vitamins A, C, E, zinc and selenium); and an essential fatty acid supplement (linseed oil, fish oil or evening primrose oil or oil blend). Remember supplements should be considered as an addition to a good diet and healthy lifestyle, not a replacement!!

Use a skin brush for your body (upward strokes working from feet to torso) and an exfoliation cream for your face. Exfoliation helps to clear blocked pores and smooth away dead and dry skin.

If that sounds a lot to think about, don't let it put you off. You can have the skin you deserve, the skin that reflects a healthier you. Just take it step by step. First introduce apricots, cantaloupe melon etc (the Vitamin A foods). Then when you've worked through introducing the healthier range of foods, start reducing the alcohol and sugar consumption. In no time at all you'll be on the road to better health and better skin.

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Effective Back Pain Exercises

by Lesley Lyon

The answer to a healthy back is appropriate exercise. The problems associated with back pain can be minimized with exercises. It is widely known that regular exercises will improve the appearance and health in general, but very few realize the benefits that good physical conditioning can have on their back pain.

The benefit of exercises for the back depends on the following three key principles:

To attain satisfactory aerobic fitness.To focus part of the exercising on the muscle groups that supports the back.To avoid exercises that cause heavy stresses on the back
The right kind of exercise program helps in keeping the back pain under control and can make it easier to continue doing the daily chores. A break from vigorous exercise can be taken if the pain becomes worse. A Doctor or physiotherapist can be consulted before starting an exercise program for deciding on the type of exercises that can be done to relieve back pain and to stay fit.

Warm up is important before exercise and deep inhaling has to be repeated before each exercise. Regular exercise helps a lot and if it is skipped for a day, unavoidably walking can compensate it, to some extent.

Exercises to strengthen the back and hip muscles:
Wall slides exercise helps to strengthen the back and hip muscles. Leg muscles also get relieved. By standing against a wall on the back, try to slide down with knees bent. The bend should be 90 degrees and count till 5. Then come back to standing posture. This has to be continued for five times.

Raising the leg also helps in strengthening back and hip muscles. Lay down on the stomach. Try to tighten the muscles of a leg and bring it up. Count till 10 and bring it down. Continue this for 5 times each for both the legs.

Sitting up partially strengthens the abdomen muscles. Lie on the back and keep the knees bent. Raise the head and shoulder above the floor and try to reach the knees with hands. Leg rising also benefits stomach and hip muscles.

Exercises to minimize the back pain:
An aerobic conditioning program for 30 minutes, thrice a week is ideal for overall fitness. Recommended aerobic exercise includes Bicycling, swimming and brisk walking. Aggravation of low back pain can happen if step aerobics and exercises like jumping and running are practiced. Aerobic exercises make the heart and other muscles consume oxygen more efficiently.

Swinging back legs could strengthen the muscles of hip and back. Stand in the back of a chair and raise a leg up and down without bending the knee. Repeat this for each leg.Posture training for sitting, standing, sleeping and even during motion is needed if posture is a factor. The type of shoes viz. High Heels that are worn can also affect the posture by adding more stress on the lower back by changing the posture. Stretching exercises can be done for keeping the muscles flexible and less prone to injury.

Physical therapy:
There are different forms of physical therapy viz. Passive Physical therapy and Active Physical therapy. Passive physical therapy includes Heat/Ice packs, TENS units and Iontophoresis. Active Physical therapy is the exercises like Stretching for back pain exercise, Low-impact aerobic conditioning and strengthening for back pain exercise.

While there are merits if a pattern of good conditioning is followed the wrong type of exercise may actually worsen the low back pain. Activities that pass on too much stress on the back like lifting heavy weights, jumping, running, step aerobics and climbing are not advised. Slow Cycling on a recumbent stationary bike can also relieve back stress. To sum up, exercise will decrease the severity and frequency of lower back pain and can be prevented when a comprehensive exercise program is followed.

Source: Allure magazine

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Improve Your Breathing with Yoga

By: Zach Thompson

With all the stress and physical abuse we put our bodies through on a daily basis it is good to know that there is an alternative. Yoga is an ancient form of art that has been practiced for many centuries to improve the overall health and well being of a person. It includes many exercises or positions to help the mind and body heal and work in unison.

Different exercises work on different areas of the body. This allows you to pinpoint certain areas or work on your entire body. Examples of postures would be stretching exercises like the Downward dog, this strengthens muscles and can help with joint problems like arthritis. At first these exercises are a little difficult but as your muscles become stronger and you become more experienced they will become easier.

Yoga is a discipline that encompasses your entire body and mind. In order to be able to carry out your exercises or postures you will need to learn the art of breathing correctly. As you learn Pranayama, or breathing exercises they will help you to relax and energize your body to keep it in balance. This promotes good health and a sense of well being.

There are many benefits of this type of Yoga exercises:
The correct way of breathing: surprisingly enough most of us normally use just a small part of our lungs when we breathe. Pranayama teaches you to use your entire lung capacity. This will allow more oxygen to get to your body and especially your brain; this will contribute to an improvement in your health. Here are a few ways this will help you:Correct breathing will help you to reduce wastes and toxins in the body.This in turn will improve health and digestion.It will also help relieve stress and tension by helping you relax.Will help you have more control over your physical well being and emotions helps you think better.

There are two types of Pranayama exercises. One set will calm and cool your body. An example of this would be Sit Cari Pranayama. Other exercises will warm and energize your body. Examples of these are Kapalabhati Pranayama and Ujjayi Pranayama. Different conditions of the body will require different exercises.

This is a skillful discipline and proper guidance with knowledge is required to do Pranayama exercises. Children below the age of 16 are not advised to do these exercises. In fact these exercises can be detrimental to your health if not done correctly.

There are certain circumstances when this discipline should not be done: If you feel that you are having any breathing problems do not continue with Pranayama exercises. It should not be done if you are hungry or directly after food. You should not do this if you are depressed.

There are different types of this discipline. Each type has different effects on your mental and physical well being and is aimed at a different purpose and goals. Some exercises are performed with open nostrils, for example Ujjayi and Viloma and others are regulated with the fingers.

To really benefit from Pranayama or breathing exercises it is necessary to do the other exercises or postures in Yoga and to take advantage of the complete discipline. In this way you will be able to take care of your overall health and well being.

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Friday, February 22, 2008

6 Tips for Perfect Prom Night Makeup

By: Jen Wasilewski

Makeup is a very important part of your prom night look. Prom is a special night and therefore your makeup should reflect that. With a little know how, makeup can take you from ordinary to extraordinary. Look enchanting and radiant on your prom night with these makeup tips.

Keep it Simple: At the mere mention of Prom, many girls assume they need to layer on the makeup to get that fashionable, special occasion look. In reality it's quite the opposite. Keeping your makeup simple can be the best way to achieve elegant beauty that will look great in prom pictures. The best way to keep it simple is to strike a balance. If you want to wear vibrant and elaborate eye makeup, choose a simple lip stick and vice versa. Simplicity will leave you looking radiant and refreshed without looking over done.

Moisturize: Moisturizing is the key to successfully applying makeup for any occasion. Make it a point to moisturize in the weeks prior to prom so your skin will be primed for application. Moisturized skin will serve and a base for your makeup and will prevent things like caked or flakey foundation allowing for a more even appearance.

Look to the Red Carpet: No one does glamor better than the celebrities on the red carpet. Not only do they generally dress in the latest fashions, they also know (or at least have makeup artists that know) the tricks of the makeup trade. Check out celebrity based magazines and look for makeup applications that you think would compliment your dress and your style. Use these as a guide when applying your makeup or take them with you if you a re having it professionally applied.

Practice: Don't wait till the day of your prom to apply your makeup for the firs time. In the weeks leading up to the prom practice putting your makeup on experimenting with different color combinations and techniques until you discover what works best for you.

Stick with Your Style: The prom is a one night occasion but that doesn't mean you need to find a one time style. If you tend to look better or feel more comfortable in brown eyeliner don't feel you need to switch to black for the prom. The same is true for your eye shadow and lip color. This doesn't mean you need to wear the same makeup you use everyday. Instead, use your daily makeup as inspiration for your prom night makeup. Choose colors that are similar but add a little extra to your appearance. For example, if you love a tawny eyeshadow, look for something in a similar color but with a shimmer to it. Play up what works best for you and you will be more than happy with the end results.

Bring the Essentials With You: Even the best of makeup can get smudged on an action packed prom night. Take a few essentials with you to make sure you don't have a makeup or hair disaster. Be sure to put these items in your purse before you set foot out of the house:

  • lip gloss/ stick
  • extra bobby pins
  • small bottle of hair spray
  • blotting papers
  • mascara
  • mini mirror

For more information on makeup like this, be sure to visit the experts at MakeUpTip at
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Hair Washing Tips / Hair Care

By: Juliet Cohen

The hair of a person is often referred to the glory of the individual. The hair of a person is often referred to the glory of the individual. However, it is not possible to have a mane of his glory without the right to maintenance. So it is important to follow a few tips for washing hair so that your hair grows at its best. It is a fact that the use of air conditioners after shampooing hair conditioning allows. However, to enhance the effects packager, it is preferable to use cold water to rinse their hair. That is because cold water keeps the glare of hair cuticles close to the scalp. When selecting care products your hair. It is better to choose quality products serum.

That is because the most expensive hair serums are found to be more soluble in water. With this, it is easier to wash this serum to be found in the serum cheaper hair products. The serum that remains in the hair can lead to the deterioration of the texture of the hair.

Another type of washing hair is the one where you have to use a towel to wipe absorbent your hair after washing. In fact, it is best to wrap the hair with the towel so that the water is absorbed. With this absorbent towel absorbs most of the water and thereby reduce the drying time for the hair. With this, no damage to the hair is avoided.

Using intensive conditioners at least once a week when washing hair. When you shampoo your hair, you should always keep their hair healthy.

Some women with fine hair not use of air conditioners, what's wrong on their part. When you wash your hair, there is no point in using excess of shampoo with the intention of putting a lot of excess foam.This shampoo only causes of the depletion of oil and moisture hair . When shampooing, you need shampoo, scalp massage with a little massage at your fingertips. With this, the medication in the shampoo is absorbed by the scalp.

After shampooing, do not forget the importance of washing their hair washed peak. Using a hair dryer is not recommended. Allow to dry naturally hair and hair continue to move with a finger.

This will keep the charge in the hair, which is headed by the hairdryer. When hair is not fully dried, apply a gel or lotion and use of the brush in the right direction, always comb from the bottom up. Significant prevention that you always remember correctly.

  • Do not wash your hair as much as you can, as natural oil is healthy for your hair.
  • Do not comb wet hair, as they damage the hair.
  • Massage your hair.
  • Blot water from your hair in a towel and rub it not because it is very low when wet.
  • Do not wrap your hair in a towel on his head for a long time.
  • Do not use children's shampoos, which are not soft but less galling.

Get information on hair styles photo, hair trends and hairstyle gallery, including sections dealing with bob hairstyles and medium hairstyles. Article Source:

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Natural Skin Care Treatment Recipes for the Holiday Kitchen

By: Gloria Mactaggart

The holidays are usually a time when we worry about our weight – big dinners, food we may not eat during the rest of the year, and plenty of delicious deserts. All of this takes its toll on our skin but did you know that several of the traditional holiday foods are also great natural skin care treatment ingredients? While you’re whipping up a favorite meal in the kitchen, you can also whip up a concoction you’ll want to add to your natural skin care treatment arsenal. Here are some great recipes – a holiday feast for the skin.

At the top of the list is pumpkin. Now considered a ‘superfood’, pumpkin fights free radicals – a major cause of aging – is high in protein and essential fatty acids, and contains potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron, copper, Vitamins C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, Folate, B12, A and E. Everything you need in a good natural skin care treatment, and more. Pumpkins also make a great masque, especially when mixed with papaya. Skin and seed a ripe papaya, mix it with a cup of pumpkin, add a beaten egg white (meringue consistency) and a teaspoon of honey. Puree, and smooth it on your face. Rinse off after five or 10 minutes.

Cranberries are also becoming recognized as a very nutritious food. A few years ago it was hard to find cranberry juice even in a health food store, now it’s available on the shelves of every supermarket. High in phytonutrients and antioxidants, the cranberry’s ability to prevent bacterial build up in the body is getting attention from mainstream medicine.

How can you use it for natural skin care treatment? Combine a drop of Vitamin E, a teaspoon of honey, a tablespoon of sweet almond and 10 fresh cranberries. Bring just to a boil in a double broiler stirring frequently and crushing the cranberries. Let it cool for two or three few minutes then strain it to remove the pieces. Let it cool completely then transfer it to a small jar to carry with you. This natural skin care treatment is especially good for dry, chapped lips.

Last, but not least is the ‘apple a day’ that ‘keeps the doctor away’. I can’t vouch for the truth of that old saying, but apples are high in Vitamins A, C and K – all essential basics in natural skin care treatment – and several minerals. They also make a great toning masque. Combine one peeled, seeded and cored pureed apple with two tablespoons of whipping cream or sour cream. Smooth in onto your face and rinse off after 20 or 30 minutes – about the time you need to make an apple pie and get it into the oven.

Pumpkins, cranberries and apples do double duty in the holiday kitchen, but you may want to add them to your natural skin care treatment shelf the year ‘round.

Gloria MacTaggart is an expert author on skin care solutions and contributes articles on skin care for 21st Century Formulations.

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Relief from Neck Pains Which Arise Due to Long Hours of Sitting In Front Of a Computer

By: Will Smith

These days every third person has a job in which a computer or a laptop is a must. This has helped millions of companies to achieve great productivity but at the same time workers often keep complaining about pain in their neck and shoulder. In this scenario, it becomes vital to perform some exercises for neck & shoulder muscles. There are some really easy, less time consuming and effective stretching exercises for your neck & shoulder that can help a great deal in relieving stress pain in your neck and shoulder.

To start with your neck below exercises will surely help you to forget the phrase – Pain in the neck.

You can either sit or stand with your arms resting on the side and then turn your head on one side. Hold this position for 30-45 seconds and then rotate your head towards the other side. Do about 8-10 reps on each side.

Another good stretching exercise for your neck, in which you have to move your head up and down. As you raise your neck from the down position (position I which you will be seeing the floor), gradually let it go up and then slightly turn it backwards such that you can see the ceiling of your room. Do about 8-10 repetitions. Instantly you will get relief from your neck pain.

Another useful neck stretch consists of tilting your head towards your shoulder. Now move your head from one shoulder to the other and do it for about 8-10 times. You could do the above three exercises at an interval of 2-3 minutes. For those suffering from Spondylitis, consult your doctor before you start with above stretching exercise.When you are suffering from a pain in your neck, you are bound to have some pain in your shoulder muscles also, even if not, why not relieve the tension from your shoulder muscles also. Follow these basic shoulder stretching exercises for which you just need to dedicate 10 minutes.

Shoulder Rolls - Roll your shoulders in a circular motion, slowly and gently. Repeat in the same in the opposite direction.

Shrugs - Elevate both shoulders and hold them for 15 seconds. Relax. Breath out and leave them free. Repeat it for 10 times.

Side Stretch – Both hands upwards , fingers facing the sky. Clasp hands together. Slowly, lean to one side and hold for 15 seconds. Repeat the same on the opposite side. Repeat this stretching for 10 times on each side.Now, aren’t you feeling good, energetic and didn’t you realize that your neck pain has gone. Its fun to stay fit. For lots more on stretching, fitness, yoga, diet and meditation

check right away. Article Source:

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Enjoy Yoga For Health As You Age

By: Danette Hibberd

Yoga is a wonderful form of exercise and assists in controlling and balancing various aspects of the body and mind. Yoga helps you in the control of your Central Nervous System and more. Enjoying yoga will promote many positive changes including a boosted self-esteem, a reduction in stress levels as well as discovering strength in your body and improved overall health. For more than 5000 years, people have enjoyed yoga. Yoga derived from the Indian nations, and through time has now allowed many people in the western world take control of their body and mind. Yoga when enjoyed on a regular basis is a great method to help you with the many pressures of today's society. Yoga combines spirituality, exercise, positive thinking, breathing and so on to help you enjoy healthy ageing.

The Benefits of Yoga: Yoga is a valued practice for many people worldwide. Yoga incorporates fitness, health, gymnastics, and training in a set of rules. Yoga helps you to maintain or lose weight along with strengthening and toning to the muscular system. Yoga is a stress reducing machine. Yoga will train your mind, as you learn to control your thoughts through meditation and breathing. Breathing correctly is essential to mastering yoga. When you practice this form of exercise, you are connected with your inner self. You learn to balance your mind and body, which leads to good health.

Through practicing yoga, your emotions are also controlled, meaning that fears, doubts, and other negative influences will not take control of your life. Rather you will have control. As you practice yoga, you will feel comfortable with both yourself and others around you. The world will become yours, as you learn to communicate effectively and stop sweating the small stuff.

As there are many forms of yoga, be aware that some types of yoga training may not be right for you. Sometimes you may have to modify the workouts to benefit your body type and to withhold the workout suited for your strengths. You have to determine the beginners level in whatever yoga form you participate in, and allow to progress naturally. Your instructor will provide you with the necessary steps to receive the utmost benefit to you and your body.

How To Get Started With Yoga : The first thing you should do is seek medical approval from your practitioner. Make sure you are able to enjoy the type of yoga you choose. Start out slowly and progress only when your body is comfortable. Guide your way into mediate exercising. Yoga will put you in connection with your spiritual side, so prepare to find a new you.

When you first begin yoga, perhaps you would benefit from joining groups that practice yoga at the appropriate level. The group sessions will inspire you to continue your journey to healthy ageing. Having support is essential for all of us, and these yoga groups can become your support team on your journey. If you cannot find a group in your area, visit your local library. You can also purchase books, videos and dvds that provide instruction on how you can both enjoy and benefit with yoga.

Where do I go after learning yoga? After you have taken the steps to get started and learn and discover the correct methods to perform the yoga exercises, you will need to find a quiet area where you feel comfortable. You want to avoid interruptions while practicing yoga to receive the most benefit from your workout. As yoga involves both physical and mental connection and balance, the benefits from the meditation and breathing will be tantamount to your results, stimulation and healing.

When will I notice the change in me? Be patient. As with almost everything in life, you may not notice a change right away. It takes time to notice or feel the changes. If you practice yoga on a regular basis changes will occur gradually and soon you will be amazed how your emotional and spiritual connections will begin changing your life in leaps and bounds. Keep in mind that yoga is teaching you how to control your mind, body and emotions.

Work with yoga and yoga will work with you. Yes, promote healthy ageing with the benefits of yoga.

Danette Hibberd Wellness Coach NLP Practitioner Author - From Flutter to Fly, Inspirational Quotes to transform you. Total wellness for women 40 yrs plus alternatively healthier Discover the benefits of natural and holistic living. Articles source:

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Getting A Good Health With Yoga

By: Julia Connor

For all of us, realizing that yoga exercise is good for health. And if we have break time and do yoga exercise, we will have the good health and can do many things which you like in your life.

Yoga is an ancient Indian practiced designed to promote relaxation, health and flexibility. By using a series of poses and breathing techniques, yoga also works on the practitioner's balance, strength and overall health.

Yoga has been shown to reduce blood pressure, lower cholesterol levels, diminish back pain and improve cardiovascular health. Depending on the type of yoga you do, yoga can be an aerobic, anaerobic or stretching exercise or all three.

Essentially, yoga tones and stretches all your joints and muscles. Not only does this unique form of exercise deliver physical benefits, it also reduces stress while promoting relaxation. When it comes to aging well, yoga is one of the best activities you can do.

Some types of yoga are more strenuous than others, so before you sign up for a class or purchase a yoga DVD, you may want to make sure you're choosing a yoga program that's right for you. Keep reading to learn about the five major types of yoga:

Integral Yoga: This is a basic and very gentle form of yoga with a set pattern of postures. The emphasis is on pose control, relaxation and deep meditation. Integral yoga is perfect for beginners.

Ashtanga Yoga: You may see Ashtanga yoga listed as power yoga. This type of yoga moves fast and focuses on a continuous flow of movement through the traditional yoga poses. By incorporating strength, aerobic exertion and flexibility, Ashtange embodies all three types of exercise.

Kundalini Yoga: This form of yoga is extremely spiritual and tends to focus predominantly on breathing exercises, chanting, relaxation and meditation.

Iyengar Yoga: Iyengar yoga focuses predominantly on positioning and poses that are precise and correct. Using wooden blocks, buckets or straps, Iyengar concentrates on alignment and the actual structure of a pose. Though slow and steady, Iyengar is not recommended for yoga beginners.

Bikram Yoga: Also known as hot yoga, Bikram yoga is typically done in a room heated to anywhere from 80 to 100 degrees. Vigorous and intense, this form of yoga may be too much for those suffering from respiratory problems, high blood pressure or cardiac issues.

There are many kinds of yoga which I show you above. It can make your health become well if you doing it in the suitable time. I hope you will find out all benefits from yoga exercise.

Article Source: Find your yoga health at this directory of directory and more information about health.

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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Effective Make-up and Beauty Tips: Do's and Dont's

by: Jasdeep Singh

With the amount of importance given to make-up these days, many women just tend to do a bit too much. Getting the right make-up for the particular occasion is the call of the entire womanhood. But beauty shouldn't be misinterpreted as just by carrying a beautiful face. A overall healthy body reflects eternal beauty which one should be longing for. The idea is to look younger and FEEL YOUNGER.

Here are some precious makeup Do's and Dont's which one should know very well before applying make-up

  • Always apply make-up where there is adequate light on your face. Improper light can lead to horrible look. Yellow light compliments your skin the most.
  • Don't go for a colour eye-shadow as a base. Also, apply eyeliner close to the base of eyelashes so as to make them look thicker.
  • Always test the colour of foundation or concealer on the inside of your wrist. That's the place which will give you a good idea of how it is going to look on your face.
  • Do apply concealer before applying eye-liner on dark circles under your eyes. Generally, women directly apply eye-liner which instead make their eyes look too dark.
  • First apply moisturizer and after about 20 minutes, start putting on your make-up.
  • Find the formula that meets your skin's needs and your lifestyle. Though, it isn't that hard also to get it right. Generally, we apply make-up in a hurry and we tend to ignore this vital part.
  • Women generally don't wash their brushes as they are always busy applying their makeup.(Hey, Nothing against women :-), relax!). Brushes should be washed properly and allowed to be dried naturally.
  • Special care should be taken, while applying and even after applying lipstick. Don't stain your teeth with lipstick. It really looks gross!
  • Never use your mascara more than twice. It will definitely look clogged.
  • Last but not the least, don't forget to take off all the make-up from your face once you go to bed specially from and near your eyes.
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7 Steps to Great Makeup

By: Sheila Dicks is a wardrobe and image consultant who teaches women how to look slimmer by dressing to suit their body type

1. Avoid wearing too much
Makeup is meant to enhance features not bring negative attention to you. That's what wearing too much makeup will do; it will bring you unwanted attention. Don't wear too much of anything such as:

  1. Eyeliner: dark, thick eyeliner will make you look overdone and will ruin the rest of your makeup.
  2. Mascara: too much mascara looks fake and will flake. It looks especially bad if worn with thick eyeliner or dark blue eye eye shadow.
  3. Foundation: Make sure your foundation is the same color as your skin. Foundation is meant to protect and give the face a smooth look. The magic word is blend.
  4. Powder: The same holds true for powder - not too much. Also, be sure to blend your makeup so there are no obvious lines.

2. Lips
Apply lip liner to completely cover the lips, add color and your lipstick will stay on much longer. Make sure your lip liner doesn't show. Also, your lip color should match your skin tone; wear cool colors if you have cool coloring and warm colors if you have warm coloring. If you want to make your lips look smaller, keep your liner on the inside of your lips. However, if you decide to make your lips look larger, going outside the natural outline of you lips is a mistake. This can look quite messy and unnatural.
3. Appropriate makeup
Wear makeup that is appropriate for the occasion. If you are going to the beach you shouldn't wear the same or as much makeup as you would if you were going dancing. Also, when you are in daylight your makeup should be a lighter than when you are out for the evening.
4. Too little or no makeup
Some women don't wear makeup because they are not sure how to use it and are afraid of being overdone. If you are unsure, start will light colours in your shade. Start slowly and add one product at a time. Maybe start with foundation, add mascara, blush or lipstick. If you are not used to wearing makeup, using a lot a first may be a little too much for you, so start slowly. The bottom line is a little is better than none. If you are still unsure seek professional advice.
5. Overall look
When your makeup is completed it should look natural. That means avoiding colours that clash. If you have dark skin and hair you will look better in darker shades; light colours will make you look washed out. If your hair and skin tone are light, light colours will look better on you. Dark makeup will make you look older and harsh. If you have oily skin, first use oil control moisturizer and foundation. Then be sure to wear loose powder, keeping pressed powder with you for touch ups.
6. Hair color
Your hair color should also be in harmony with your skin. If you have dark hair and you want to add color, keep it close to the same shade. If you have light hair, use light colors. As you age your skin will lighten, so should your hair color. One last thing about hair color - if you do color you hair be sure you keep it up, don't let your roots show.
7. One last thing
Keep makeup looking fresh all day by doing regular touch ups. Don't let your makeup fade or crease. Smile!!!

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Essentials of Facial Beauty

by: Kristine Llabres

Beauty regimens are normal for ladies for it is one way of maintaining their vivacity and prettiness. Women tend to apply several creams, lotions and use different soaps and beauty care liquids in order to attain their desired complexion or maintain their very own smooth and silky skin.
At this moment, not only women are meticulous and particular in their skin tone and looks but also men who are conscious of their appearance and how they will carry themselves and interact with other people.
Nowadays, a face pack does not only cleanse your skin and pores but it also helps in maintaining the tautness and balance of your skin. There are different face packs according to your skin type, so choose the one that suits you.

Dry Skin Pack The dry skin is usually flaky and dull looking around the eyes and cheeks. That is why it needs to be motorized well. Wash your face with milk and oatmeal instead of ordinary soap since the milk moisturizes and nourishes the skin while the oatmeal acts as an exfoliate agent.

To have extra moisturizer, make a pack with a mixture of ten almonds, two spoons oatmeal, four tablespoons of full cream milk, two spoons china clay, juice of half a lemon and one mashed avocado. Apply it gently on your face then leave for twenty minutes. Dampen cotton wool with cold milk and wipe it off. Finally, splash your face with cold water and apply light moisturizer.

Oily Skin Pack The oily skin has active sebaceous glands that secrete more oil leaving the skin greasy and dull thus it attracts a lot of dirt which then clogs the pores. It definitely needs a thorough cleansing routine to remove the surface grime and unclogged the pores.

You need a pack that rejuvenates, tightens and exfoliates skin. You can mash six strawberries with a teaspoon of Brandy, two spoons of breadcrumbs, two spoons of fuller’s earth and a few drops of rose water. Mix those well then apply a thick layer on the face and neck and leave it for twenty minutes.

Strawberries have Vitamin C and certain acidic properties they leave the skin sparkling clean. The breadcrumbs help to exfoliate dead skin while fuller’s earth will tighten the pores and brandy would help to add some glow.

Combination Pack With this type of skin, usually the nose and forehead are oily then the eyes and cheeks are dry. Cleanse the center zone with an astringent while dab the rest of the face with cold milk then apply a pack made of half a cup of powered, dry peas mixed with three spoons of curd, juice of one lemon and half a cup of papaya pulp. Apply it then leave again for twenty minutes, after rinse off with cold water. Better still to rub an ice cube dipped in rose water over the T-Zone.

Always see to it that your face is clean, free from harsh chemicals and radiantly white and flawless. Avoid exposure in different pollutants and always be protected against ultraviolet rays. Take a lot of care and be extra beautiful inside-out!

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Top 7 Tips to Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Author: Raymond Lee

Most people think insomnia means chronic sleeplessness that keeps you up all night. Actually, insomnia means any sleep problem. Occasional late-night wake-ups with trouble going back to sleep are not as trying as chronic insomnia, but they are still a threat to well-being. About 65 million American adults have trouble sleeping. For one-quarter of them, the problem is chronic and costly. Americans spend about $15 billion a year on sleeping pills and physician care for insomnia. When people do mention sleep problems to their doctors, two-thirds of physicians prescribe sleeping pills. Sleep medications can relieve occasional insomnia, and sleeping pills are not the best way to go. Natural approaches work better over the long haul. Here are some tips to consider your better, more restful sleeps.

1. Get Regular
Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. Many people need regular sleep/wake cycles and find their sleep seriously disturbed if they don’t stick to them. Sleep/wake regularity is especially helpful for what is known as Sunday night insomnia – a surprisingly common inability to fall asleep as the work week is about to begin. Most people assume they are simply anxious about returning to work on Monday. In fact, Sunday night insomnia typically strikes those who stay up unusually late on Friday and Saturday nights and get up late Saturday and Sunday mornings. By Sunday night, they set their internal clock to a later hour and in a phenomenon similar to jet lag, they can’t fall asleep Sunday night until way past their weekday bedtime. Retiring and rising earlier on weekends usually resolves the problem.

2. Pamper Yourself
You spend one-third of your life in bed. Invest in that time and you will probably sleep better. Get comfortable pillows and sheets. Test different types of mattresses. If you have arthritis or a bad back, try extra pillows or specially shaped therapeutic pillows. If heartburn is a problem, elevate the head of your bed a few inches.

3. Reduce Stimulant Comsumption
Caffeine and other stimulants cause more sleep problems than most people realize. Many insomnias are exceptionally sensitive to caffeine and have trouble sleeping after one cup of tea or a chocolate bar in the afternoon. Caffeine is an ingredient in many drugs and soft drinks in addition to coffee, tea, and chocolate. Drugs may also contain non-caffeine stimulants. Ask your physician or pharmacist about the possible stimulant effects of every medication you take.

4. Adopt Bedtime Rituals
Bedtime rituals are a way to wind down and mark the boundary between waking and sleeping. Most people change into pajamas and brush their teeth. If you have trouble sleeping, add a few more rituals to your transition period: Take a hot bath, drink a cup of herb tea or do some light reading. But steer clear of the late TV news. It is usually filled with disturbing images that might keep you awake.

5. Limit Alcohol
Many doctors used to advise people who could not sleep to drink a cocktail or glass of wine before bedtime. But many people find that drinking within a few hours of retiring keeps them from sleeping and in nearly everyone, drinking late in the evening produces troubled, fragmented sleep.

6. Try Deep Relaxation
In addition to their ritual value, relaxation techniques also help minimizes the stress that contributes to sleep problems. Aromatherapy, biofeedback, deep breathing exercise, listening to music, massage, meditation, and yoga can all help in overcoming insomnia. Just don’t do any kind of strenuous exercise within a few hours of bedtime. It has a short-term stimulant effect.

7. Get Out Of Bed
This sounds ridiculous, but many people with insomnia believe that the longer they stay in bed, the more they will sleep. Not so. If a person who needs seven hours a night stays in bed for nine, the seven hours get spread thinly over the nine and sleep becomes more troubled and less restful.

About the Author: Raymond Lee is one of the foremost experts in the health and fitness industry and is the Founder of Bodyfixes Group specializing in body health, muscle development and dieting. He is currently the author of the latest edition of "Neck Exercises and Workouts." Visit for more information. Article Source:

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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Hair styling and dressing tips

By: Rachel Broune

The females asked ranged in their opinions from positive to negative. Some use gels and sprays each day and love them, and some prefer not using any hair products because they "kill" your hair. Others only use them occasionally, but warn that you need to research what you use as many products are not only ineffective, but too expensive. The males, surprisingly, were pretty unanimous in their use and approval of gels and sprays. They felt that the products helped to keep their hair looking good longer. A few don't use them, and don't plan to, but the majority felt that using products helped their hair look better.

For Oval Face - If you have an oval face, you are lucky, as any style will suit you.
Square Face - A broad forehead and squared face needs different hair do. A technique with the hair 2.5 cm, or so under the chin put yourself attractive on a square face.
Round Face - If you have a round face, you should aim to add length. If you don't want long hair, part your hair on the side or add fullness on top.
Triangular Face - The best hairstyle for this shape of face are those worn away from your face at your forehead and temples and softly waved or curled around the jaws or those worn full at your temples, with straight or waved bangs across the width of your forehead.

Wedding day styling tips Plan your wedding, hairstyle, make up and dress well in advance.
These 4 things must all work together and you don't want to find out a the last minute that something conflicts with something else.

Dont wear too much make up and make sure that the colour scheme match with your attire.Your hair style.
Don't think of your current style as a starting block for your wedding style. By adding hair extensions or a hair piece you can add volume and length and completely change your look. The beauty of a one off hair style is that you can go to much more effort than would if you had to do it every day.
Also think about your wedding dress and try to match its style. The degree of formality of your dress should be matched by your hairstyle.If you colour your hair then you should have it topped up 2 weeks before your wedding to make sure that any roots are concealed. This would also be a good time for a final trim.
Don't wash your hair on the day of your wedding or the night before. You hair is better when it's settled down so try and wash it at least 24 hours before the time of the wedding.

Rachel Broune writes articles for celebrity hairstyles . He also writes for hair style and artist makeup .Source: Article Depot - Search Free Articles

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Tips for Long, Strong And Beautiful Hair

By: Bindell Briggs

If you've ever wanted long hair, there are some tips that you should definitely keep in mind. I've been growing out my hair for about three years, and in that time, I've managed to get it from chin length to four inches below mywaist. Long, healthy hair is definitely attainable, but depending on things like genetics and lifestyle, it might take some encouragement. Check out the great tips below for how to get long, gorgeous hair!

1.Wash only when you need to. It's true. Hair will adjust to the number of times that you wash it. If you wash your hair every day, it will get to apoint where your hair will feel greasy within in twenty-four hours. Excessive washing, however, can strip your hair of its natural oils. Try washing your hair every other day, oreven every three days. This will leave your hair looking great and save you a bunch on shampoo!

2.Rinse with cold water When you've finished washing your hair, give it a quick rinse with cold water. This gets the microscopic scales on your hair to seal down flat, making your hair look sleeker and shinier.

3.Choose your comb wisely! If you want gorgeous hair, get a wide-toothed wooden comb.This helps redistribute the oil in your hair to the ends, where it needs it the most. A wooden comb also won't tear your hair the way a plastic brush will. Be extra careful with your hair when it is wet, as it is more fragile.

4.Avoid hair dryers Applying heat to your hair will damage it and over time, you'll be more prone to split ends. Lightly rub your hair with a towel and then let it air dry for the absolute best results.

5.Trim regularly It sounds a little nuts, but regular trims will help your hair look great when it's getting long. I can always tell when I need to trim my hair by how badly it tangles at the end when I try to braid it. If the very ends of my hair stick together, it's time to get a few inches whacked off!

6.Wear it up Wearing your hair down can be hard on it if you do it everyday. When your hair is down, it'll get dirtier faster and it will become more brittle, as well. Consider braiding it, or pulling it up into a bun that's held in place with a hair stick. My personal favorite trick is to deep condition my braid, and then wrap it up in a bun. I can walk around all day and then come home and rinse it out for healthy, shiny hair.

7.Color with care Most dyes are pretty bad for your hair, especially if youuse bleach before hand. If you are looking for a new color, see what henna can do. Henna is an all-natural, traditional hair dye that will give you a gorgeous shade of red and give your hair a lovely, shiny texture as well. Be warned, though, henna is permanent, so be sure that you are willing to live with the results!

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Monday, February 11, 2008

Beauty Healthy Tips

Did you know what kinds of fruits and vegetables have benefits to enhance your beauty and healthy? Let's see what we eat to help us look younger, more beauty and good healthy.

The following fruits are fulfill with high benefit to help you live a beauty and healthy.

  • Kiwi is highly enrich with vitamin C. In every a hundred grams of kiwi meat, there are around 100-200 mg of vitamin C, which is far higher than orange. Vitamin C can prevent infection especially common cold and flu because it can improve stronger immune system. Furthermore, Vitamin C is stong antioxidants so it protects you against from cancer and promotes healthy cells and tissues. It can reduce pressure in glaucoma and the risk of cataracts too.
  • Chinese persimmon, kiki in Jananese, is like apple to the eastern side of the globe. Persimmon is enrich with vitamin A and C. Oil extracted from the fruit has high tannin content. It is a good remedy for drunkenness, reduces high blood pressure and cancer cell or viral spread. It is also a favorite tea choice of herbal tea.

  • Mango is believed to help improve the eyesight, enhance healthy gums and teeth. It also helps nourishing skin, reducing acne and wrinkle. Some researches have found more benefits of this fruit that it helps reducing risks for cervical cancer and colon cancer.

  • Pine apple is highly enrich with potassium, vitamin and fiber to help improve bone and teeth healthy, enhance skin nourished and protect against inflammation. It also helps digestive system and reduce discomfort stomach.

  • Orange is highly enrich with vitamin C, B1, Beta carotene, Folate and fiber to help reducing risks for cancer, common cold prevention and reduce thirsty. There is fiber named "pectin" in orange to help reduce cholesterol level in blood and improve constupation as well.

  • Banana is highly enrich with potassium, carbohydrate to help ease digestive system and heal peptic ulcer, reduces high blood pressure. It also helps reducing risks for stomach cancer and colon cancer.

Next you will see wonderful benefits by eating vegetables. It is easy and simple to care yourself only you take the following veggies:

  • Sweet pepper or Bell pepper comes naturally in square or hexagonal shapes and in colors as various as red, yellow, orange, green and even chocolate-brown. There is now purple pepper in the most recent breed. This pepper is popular to consume fresh in salad or stir-fried with other vegetables. It is fully rich with Vitamin A, B1, B2 and C, and contains Capsacin which is an antioxidant substance. It helps reduce risks for vascular diseases, cataract and cancer.
  • Carrot has been a famous vegetable since the Roman era. It is believed to help improve the eyesight. In world war II, British bomber pilot was ordered to ear carrot to help them locate the target by night. Nowadays, reseraches have found more benefits of carrot such as protection against various kinds of cancer from lung cancer, larynx cancer, stomach and colorectal cancer. Famous beta carotene substance is found to help the body better digest Vitamin A. It is also helps anti-aging.
  • Cucumber gives low calory so it is suitable to be diet food. It helps to feel fresh and it is also mild diuratic medicine.
  • Ginger the spicy taste of ginger contains one kind of substance which helps to reduce bowel movement and contraction, sweating. It has benefit to be anti-bacteria and treat severe diarrhea as well too.
  • Garlic contains several enzymes and also has sulfer to cure a cough symptom and reduce high blood pressure. It contains antioxidant substance to protect against cancer as well.
  • Onion is high rich with Vitamin B1, C, Calcium and Phosphorus which help to prevent high blood pressure and reduce cholesterol level in blood. It also helps to comfort stomach ( Anti-fatulance). It's leaf helps to improve heart and prevent artheroscerosis and reduce Rheumatoid inflammation. It also can cure common cold, reduce running nose as a decongestant and prevent inflammation and cancer too. The appropriate ratio of Calcium and Phosphorus in onion is good obsorbtion to body. There is Beta carotene, Flavonoid substances inside onion such as Quercetin, Spaerioside which help protection against cancer same as red wine.
  • Chilli can relieve common cold symptom and sooth breathing. It's also reduce obstruction in blood vessel, reduce cholesterol level in blood and reduce risks for cancer. Chilli can also relieve pain such as teeth pain. Capsacin in chilli can help booster better mood by stimulating adreanl gland to release endophine.

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Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Beauty Skin Care

5 Great Tips For Preventing Acne
By: Thomas Middleton

Now it's important that you learn how to not only treat your existing acne, but also prevent it. When we get right down the cause, we can learn how to actually get rid of it for good, or at least combat it in a way that it won't be returning anytime soon. Because when you battle the cause as opposed to the outcome you get better results.

1. Keep your face clean. It cannot be stressed enough that this is one of the most important aspects of skin care and keeping your acne at bay. The reason you are experiencing it in the first place is because your skin's pores are clogged, so you don't want them to get even more clogged by touching your face all the time.

2. Exfoliate your skin. By doing this you are targeting and destroying the dead skin cells on your face that contribute to acne. Buy a cream, lotion, or facial scrub from the store and have a daily regimen of exfoliation. This is a huge step in taking care of your skin and staying acne free.

3. See your dermatologist. This is a person who specifies in the skin and how to take care of it. He will give you an idea of both what kind of acne you have and also how to take care of it properly. There are different solutions that they can suggest to you, ranging from topical solutions (antibiotics you ingest by mouth) to laser light treatment, and even home made treatments.

4. An important thing to remember is keep yourself educated. Go on the internet, it has thousands upon millions of paged dedicated to the very topic of acne treatment and it will help you immensely. Also talk to people who have or are experiencing their own troubles regarding this skin condition.

5. And also make sure your diet is balanced and nutritious, because part of taking care of your skin is knowing what to put in your body.

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