Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Purpose Of Yoga

By: Donovan Baldwin

Yoga, or its ancestor, first appeared somewhere around 5,000 years ago. Since then, it has gradually evolved into the modern form. However, its "modern form" is neither completely modern, nor is it the only form of yoga. In the western world, when we speak of "yoga" we are commonly referring to Hatha Yoga, a branch of yoga introduced by Yogi Swatmarama in the 15th century. To keep it simple, Yogi Swatmarama saw Hatha Yoga, not as an end in itself, but as part of a pathway to a higher state on the yoga journey. Hatha Yoga concentrates more on the physical training, conditioning, and "preparation" aspects of yoga. So, as we talk about the purposes of "yoga", please keep in mind that we are talking only about one portion of the entire range of disciplines encompassed by the word.

We sometimes hear of someone who learned to become more relaxed by the practice of yoga. Or, maybe we have heard of someone who became more invigorated and energetic as a result of their practice. Perhaps someone else was able to play a competitive sport better than before they began practicing yoga, or perhaps they were able to lay aside the competitive aspect of their nature that had been driving them into bad health and broken relationships. We may have even heard all of these types of stories. I have! This, and all the claims made about the practice of yoga, creates a very confusing picture even in the minds of those willing to believe what they hear. For those who have doubts already, the multitude of claims can sound like those of an old-timey snake oil salesman.

Actually, research conducted by many prestigious organizations and institutions has confirmed that a regular practice of yoga can actually produce all of these effects and more. While some uncertainty exists in some areas as to exactly WHY yoga is so effective in relation to a given situation, condition, or result, the common ground seems to be that it works.

While yoga can return the same physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits as any other physical training or exercise program, it also produces a blend of positive results that allow the individual organism to integrate the effects and actions of several different systems to produce a whole overall outcome which seems to be greater than the sum of its parts. For example, the increased ability to relax may help the ability to perform, the strengthening of the physical body helps the emotional output to be brought under control. All specific benefits of yoga, when practiced regularly, work together for the overall benefit of the person.

It appears that this synergistic outcome combines the more specific benefits associated with any regular exercise program, with meditation, with deep breathing, with the "exercise" or "massage" of internal organs normally ignored by standard physical activities to produce the confusing array of "positive" outcomes mentioned at the beginning of this article.

Whatever the other positive outcomes of a regular yoga practice may be, its effect on physical and mental health in general should not be ignored. Yoga has been found to have a positive effect on such conditions as asthma, respiratory difficulties, high blood pressure, pain management, back pain, arthritis, and weight loss. Psychologically, it tends to increase self awareness, create a positive self-image, and uplift the spirits of the participant. Many who come to yoga for the first time find themselves with a "new lease on life" as one practitioner put it to me and find themselves trying new experiences, finding new friends, and taking control of a life which had, up until then, been in control of them.

Apparently, yoga has the potential of being effective in many aspects of life and health, and can, in most cases at least, mold itself to your needs. It might be said that the purpose of yoga is to serve in whatever capacity it is needed.

Donovan Baldwin is a Texas writer. He is a University of West Florida alumnus, a member of Mensa, and is retired from the U. S. Army. Learn more about yoga at .
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Is Yoga a Remedy for Stress ?

By: David Stevens

Lets take a closer look at this subject and find out whether stress and yoga can be related and whether yoga can be a true remedy for stress?

Yoga teaches balance of mind, body and spirit. To really do yoga beneficially we need to practice it daily to reap the benefits which includes flexibility and mental clarity. Yoga can be in particular effective in the treatment of stress.

The practice of yoga dates back over 5000 years and yoga is the oldest defined practice of self development. Yoga has been very popular in the east and it is now becoming very popular in the west also. Most people who do yoga can see the physical benefits of yoga. The practice of yoga can also give psychological benefits such as stress reduction and stress relief. And it can give you a sense of well being and spiritual benefits.

Exercises is good for the body but also good for the mind. Yoga is a very good method for exercising the body. Exercising your body with yoga can help with stress relief because it provides a way for the body to relief tension and frustration.

Whenever we find ourselves in a stressful situation our body experiences pain. The heart rate can go up, adrenalin rushes through our body and the immune system can shut down temporarily. If this stress continues and we stay on high alert for a prolonged period of time, we can experience exhaustion and burn out. Now none of us can avoid stress really. But we can return to a state of balance. Yoga can provide a calming and relaxations sense of stress relief and can be done according to your life style and preference.

Now there are different ways of combating stress and yoga is one of them. Actually yoga combines several techniques to combat stress. Yoga provides a combination of benefits such as breathing exercises, stretching exercises, fitness program, meditation practice and guided meditations all in one technique. That is powerful, that is very powerful ! Even for people who have physical limitations yoga can be very beneficial just by practicing the breathing techniques, the meditation and the guided meditation. Just by doing this you can have great benefits with the practice of yoga.

So in conclusion yes yoga can be a great remedy for stress and can offer some stress relief. Yoga has combined set of principles and exercises that can greatly benefit you and help you to deal with stress.

Click here for more info : Stress Management and Yoga Online Article source:

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Choosing the right eye cream

By: Robert Baird

Of the five sense organs that are possessed by the body, the eyes are one of the most important of all and they are responsible for providing the power of vision. It is the eyes which enable human beings to enjoy the pleasure of watching all that is visible t the naked eyes. it is evident therefore that the eyes are extremely precious for survival and therefore they need to be taken care of too.

This is because the skin surrounding the eyes are very sensitive and are thin layer having no kind of protective covering like the oil glands or fats. Under such circumstances the eyes are easily exposed to being harmed as they are located in the external part of the body.

Moreover, it has been noticed essentially among women that immediately post their twenties, dark circles, eye bags and wrinkles are some of the dominant problems which affect them. In such cases, the most effective solutions are provided by the various anti-aging eye creams that are available in the market.

It is necessary to note here that while there are innumerable eye creams available in the market which boast of effectively treating dark circles around the eyes and wrinkles as well, not all are very effective and some may only be partially effective. Therefore, one has to be extremely careful while choosing the perfect eye cream which is suitable. It is to be borne in mind that most of the eye creams that are available in the market currently are devised to treat different zones of skin surrounding the eye and different problems.

Hence the primary purpose of an individual who is to embark upon the use of these anti-aging eye creams is to recognize the area which requires treatment. For example a person suffering from dark circles around the eye needs to choose an eye cream which specializes on the treatment of dark circles particularly.

Next it is important to clarify the various ingredients that constitute the eye cream. it is advisable in this case that one should look primarily for products which contain sufficient amount of vitamin supplements and anti-oxidants within its composition.

Another important component is retinol which is vital for preventing aging as it works on wrinkles and also kinetin is beneficial. Alpha Hydroxy Acids are very significant components of eye creams and are essential for rejuvenating the skin. Natural extracts like chamomile and cucumber are also to be found.

Article Source: Buy under eye cream online and saves hundreds on dollars!

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Eye Beauty Make up Tips for Afro Americans.

By: Jaks Lloyd

These beauty tips have been kindly contributed by my very good friend Danni Lewis. Danni has been in the beauty business for more years than either of us want to remember. I cannot think of any aspect of creative make up techniques that she has not investigated and I know that she has always been aware of how to apply her extensive knowledge to all, irrespective of colour, religion or nationality. I am proud to be one of her sisters.We are so lucky with our eyes; our skin colour allows us to have the most exotic and spectacular range of colors to set off the beauty and intensity of our eyes.

As an added attraction many of us have that slightly slanting shape to our lids and the immediate area surrounding our eyes that enhances our female allure and mystery.Forget all those beauty pundits that are telling women what color eyeshade or liner they should be using to accentuate this skin tone or that eye shape.

Their prognostications are aimed at their own bottom line and that is their self-importance and keeping that profitable job in the media or PR without so much of a thought for any minorities.Sorry, rant over, so sisters, here are my tips to having great eyes.

First of all remember that the skin under the eyes is the most delicate and thinnest of any on the body so treat it with great care.When applying or removing eye make up, do it gently.It is the area that first shows the fine lines that can turn ugly as the years go by so use plenty of moisturizer.Softly dab your preferred cleanser with cotton wool pads, then use a fresh cotton wool pad to gently apply a good moisturizer.

Diet and lifestyle are tremendously important.With few exceptions our eyes will be brown so it is essential that the whites of our eyes are clear and sparkling.

Do cut out too many late nights in smoky atmospheres, make sure you have plenty of good light when you are working so avoiding eye strain, and keep to a healthy diet.Our brown eyes surrounded by healthy whites will set up the foundation for some spectacular eye make up techniques.Do not be afraid to experiment. In my experience there is virtually no combination of eye makeup colors, liners, shadows or mascaras that does not produce a stunning and spectacular effect that will get us noticed and appreciated.

Those with lighter toned skin and eye colors have to be aware that some make up colors will clash and an attractive effect will be negated.We do not have this problem as our skin tones and eye color lend themselves readily to contrasting effects that significantly add to and enhance our appearance.Go for it sisters.

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Jaks Lloyd is a former photographic fashion model. She now lives in Spain and indulges her creative talents by writing and building innovative authority websites.

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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Aromatherapy Beauty Tips

By: George Key

Aromatherapy has many known benefits, one of which is beautification. Aromatherapy is not restricted to burning candles, spraying scents in the air. It also has very valuable uses beyond relaxation and the treatment of common illnesses. In this article we will discuss some specific ways in which one can use aromatherapy to help keep the skin clear, the body smooth, the hair gorgeous, essentially helping you create and develop the most beautiful you. Following are some really great aromatherapy beauty tips.

Aromatherapy and Skin: Natural oils used in aromatherapy can help the skin reach its’ optimum beauty. Essential oils can be used to treat wrinkles, pimples, cellulite and even dry skin. Aromatherapy can also help to purify the skin. Aromatherapy works so well because it is free of unnatural and toxic ingredients that can be found in many over-the-counter acne medications. Not so when using aromatherapy. The essential oils have strong regenerative properties that helps heal and nourish the skin. Good essential oils and to use on the skin include sandlewood, tea tree and lavender. Sandlewood: Sandlewood is really good for acne and infections of the skin mostly because it has strong anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. Tea Tree: Tea tree works well for spot treating pimples. It clears up acne fast and helps to limit their reoccurrence. It has strong anti-microbial and helps to reduce swelling. Lavender: Lavender is one of the most known all of the essential oils. Lavender helps to keep oily skin under control. It is also good for evening out the skin tone and healing blemishes.

Aromatherapy and Body: Aromatherapy is great to use for the body. It helps keep the body soft and smooth. It is important to note however, that you should be very careful about applying essential oils directly on the skin because they can be very potent. Instead, adding a few drops to a bath or to a carrier oil works best. There are several ways to use aromatherapy on the body, massage and bathing are the most common and very effective.

Aromatherapy and Hair: Aromatherapy and essential oils are great to use to remedy hair loss as well as dry and thinning hair. Adding essential oils to shampoos and conditioners that one already has, can work wonders. Massaging the scalp with diluted essential oils might also be beneficial. For individuals who suffer from alopecia areata, an autoimmune disease that causes temporary hair loss, studies have shown that individuals who rub rosemary, cedarwood, lavender, and thyme essential oils into their scalp, successfully grew back their hair. This is just one example of the power of aromatherapy when it is added to beauty regiments.

Aromatherapy has many benefits, one of which is beautification. Individuals can achieve prettier skin and hair by simply using essential oil blends that they either create themselves or purchase. Aromatherapy is especially is especially effective because of it’s natural properties which can be used to pamper, ease, stimulate and beautify. I hope that you will consider using these aromatherapy beauty tips. Many people who understand the power of aromatherapy have done so with great results.

George Key is the publisher and editor of, a site that provides reliable information and articles about
Natural Treatments and Aromatherapy Tips using Pure Essential Oils.
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Expert Tips For Beautiful Long Layered Hairstyles

By: Simon Merkel

Long hairstyles should have lots of natural texture, flirtatious flips and long loose layers whether your hairstyle is straight, wavy or curly. This extremely versatile cut suits a wide variety of face shapes and can be as casual or dressy as you need to be. Long hairstyles allow you to let down your hair, place it in pony tails, and bundle it up in decorative designs. If you have a long hairstyle, it's best to take care of it or don't have it at all. When choosing long layered hair styles the first step is to determine which style works with the shape of your face. Long layers are essential for this type of hair style to lay correct. Another great tip is to blow dry the hair with a large round brush, directing all layers down and under.

Lengthy hairstyles allow you to let down your hair, place it in pony tails, and bundle it up in ornament designs. For women with shorter hair lengths that designer longer hairstyles, there are hair extensions that are becoming more affordable and popular. Long and Layered Cut hairstyle is a very beautiful cut that not too many women will have. It is a rather unique sleek hairstyle with razor cut, uneven ends. The uneven part allows the hair to closely raze the facial area. This long hairstyle is a very great selection for many facial shapes. Longer Tresses and Bangs hair styles is a very beautiful choice that will look noticeable on a lot of ladies. The soft, wavy tresses and lightly swept loud hit create a very great look. The locks are just wavy enough to create a natural look that looks very beautiful and alluring.

This long hairstyles will fit a lot of facial shapes as well which is one of the reasons it is a popular haircut. Long hairstyles are hard to take care of and need extra attention to avoid dry, coarse hair and split ends. Try a middle, side or a zig zag part, and you will surprised at how much your appearance can change. Try something new with your long hair once in a while, beautiful updos, multiple pony tails, etc. Treat your hair like a guy treats his car, take it to the salon once in a while and use quality products. Layering is an excellent option for many women, so consider this attractive style today. Celebrities are a good source for longer haircuts. Some of the most famous actresses have long or medium length hair.

Long Hairstyles are loved by every women. Read more on Long Hair Style and visit the Long Layered Hairstyle Pictures Gallery. Article Source:

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Natural Beauty Tips for Eye Care

By: Nick Mutt

Beautiful eyes are the first thing that one notices in your look. It counts much if you take proper care of them and make it shine with your inner self-confidence. In the cosmetic market, you can find number of eye care kits and eye makeup cosmetics. But as you know that our eyes are the most sensitive part in our body, so rather than going for synthetic beauty cosmetics for eye care, you must try natural beauty treatments for your eyes.

Natural Remedies for Eye Care

1. Keep equal amount of triphala powder and sugar candy (powdered) in a glass jar and take one teaspoonful with one teaspoonful of honey on an empty stomach morning and evening and drink 250 gm of milk over it for 2-3 months. This cures all the diseases of the eyes.

2. To make eyes beautiful, after washing the eyes with triphala water apply olive or almond oil around the eyes and massage gently. It makes eye muscles strong and soft and the skin around the eyes looks healthy.

Home Remedies for Dark Circles Under the Eyes

1. Apply cucumber juice on the black circles with cotton for 2-3 weeks regularly.

2. Mix equal amount of almond oil and honey and apply a few drops on black circles for 2-3 weeks. Both wrinkles and black circles are cured.

3. Dip five almonds in water, peel them and chew nicely in the morning or make a paste and take along with 250 grams of milk daily for 21 days.

4. Do not take oils, spices, tea and other hot products.

5. Take 125 gm of tomato juice and squeeze half a lemon in it. Mash 5-7 leaves of spearmint in it. Add black salt according to taste. Drink this once on the morning and evening to be relieved of constipation, worm infection and acne.

6. Take iron and calcium rich diet as their shortage are one of the dominant factors for black circles under the eyes.

Disclaimer: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Read more about Natural Skin Care Tips to enhance your beauty and natural glow. Visit Natural Cure Health Guide to find some easy and effective Home Remedies for common ailments. Copyright © Nick Mutt, All Rights Reserved. Article Source:

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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Beauty Care Tips

By: Ricky Hussey

Try a small portion of tryptophan. Tryptophan is an amino acid that helps the body produce the sleep hormones serotonin and melatonin. Bananas, milk, peanut butter, whole grains, and turkey all contain tryptophan. Take advantage of these natural sedative powers and eat a small amount of one or more of these foods an hour or two before bedtime.

Get herbal help

Valerian root, kava, passionflower, chamomile, catnip, verbena, and skullcap all have tension-relieving and sedative powers. Try an herbal infusion brewed with one of these herbs.If you're one of those small-bladdered types (no judgments here, I'm one too), avoid herbal teas or other drinks just before bedtime. After all, what's the good of being knocked out if you're going to be roused by a full bladder a few hours later?

Scented sleep

Essential oils have long been used by aroma therapists as natural sedatives. My personal favorite is lavender oil, which I sprinkle on my sheets and which never fails to knock me out. Other oils to try include chamomile and sandalwood. Try scenting your bedroom with oils, or try making yourself a scented sleep pillow like the ones you see in aroma therapy and gift boutiques, by stuffing a small pillow with a blend of relaxing dried hops, chamomile, and lavender.

Bath therapy

Warm water has a soothing effect on your body and mind. It can ease stress and lower the body's temperature, which in turn induces sleepiness. Avoid hot water (which can speed heart rate and respiration, as well as cause sweating) and time your bath to within an hour of bedtime. Throw chamomile tea bags into the water or add a few drops of relaxing lavender.

Trade mass media for a book

Instead of watching heart-pumping TV shows, listening to the radio, or reading newspapers and news magazines, opt for a relaxing book before bedtime. Violence stimulating music, disturbing news - all these signal the body to produce adrenaline and won't help you get to sleep.

Don't just lie there!

If you find yourself wide awake, get up, go to another room, turn on a dim light, and read until you feel ready to fall asleep, According to sleep researchers, remaining wide awake in bed "trains" your body to associate your bed with wakefulness - not something you want to do.

According to a survey conducted by the National Sleep Foundation, the average American woman sleeps only 6 hours and 41 minutes per weeknight. The reasons for this? Small bladders, headaches, hormonal upsets due to menstruation, pregnancy, lactation, and menopause, as well as snoring or cover-hogging partners, and disruptions from children are all cited.

Lipsense and senegence lipsense. Article Source:

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